An interdisciplinarian research project on religious minorities (DRES, GSRL, ISERL, CéSor)

The project > Project agenda

A conference has taken place in November 2012 in Strasbourg Les minorités à l’épreuve des normes : autocompréhension, marginalité, visibilité

Several workshops are organised in Lyon, Paris and Strasbourg.

2013: three workshops. 21 February, Lyon (Eastern religions); 29-30 May, Paris, GSRL (Judaism); 2-3 October, Strasbourg (Eastern Christianity).

2014: a workshop (Muslims, Paris, 19th May; ); a conference on the idea of Community (6th-7th October 2014); a workshop on Protestants (Lyon, November 24th, 2014).

2015: a workshop (Catholics, CeSor, Paris, 15-16 October). 

A joint internal research seminar on "communitarianism" with the Communitarianism project, November 2015, Strasbourg.


Conference "Diversity and religion: logics, forms, dynamics", organised with University of Strasbourg - Institute of Advanced Studies (USIAS), 23-24 May, Strasbourg.

Workshop, "At the margins of the sacred, sacred at the margins", concerning religious minorities in a secularist context, ISERL, Lyon, 27-28 October.


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