This website aims at presenting the research project dynamiques religieuses et groupes minoritaires: évolutions récentes du paysage français (Dynamics of religion and minority groups: recent changes in the French landscape).
This project aims at gathering and rendering available information concerning religious minorities in France.
A conference has been organised in November 2012, in Strasbourg, another one in Strasbourg, October 2014. One is scheduled for 2016.
Thematic workshops are also taking place in 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, in Lyon, Paris, and Strasbourg.
Scientific committee: the project is led by Anne-Laure Zwilling (UMR 7354, DRES - CNRS / University of Strasbourg), in collaboration with Joëlle Allouche (UMR 8582, GSRL, CNRS / EPHE), Rita Hermon-Belot (CéSor-EHESS) and Lionel Obadia (Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Strasbourg / University of Lyon).